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Teiko Moxie

Teiko Moxie has orchestrated, coordinated and pulled together many aspects of this event, but wouldn't have been able to do it with the help of others. This page is dedicated to those that have given effort, paid or unpaid toward this event.


Midnight (Ushao Murakami)

Thank you to  Ushao for helping me stay grounded in my thoughts and ideas in order to make them feasible and enjoyable by others. Without you I'd be dominating the world with an iron fist wrapped in fluffy marshmallow .. or something. 


Thank you for helping me work out the bugs in the HUD, fix what you could to make it almost work a hundred times, and help me with staying focused even when tired to get this event together, as well as working with Sugar to get the scripts hammered out, and concisely explain what is happening, or should happen. 


Thank you also, for being able to reword my meanings, and understand me as much as you do when I can't word.



Sounding Board, Grounding Unit, Script Hacker & Technical Tester

Sugar Paw (Casio2000 Resident)

A huge thank you to Sugar for whipping this into shape and making me feel like one of my many ideas was something I could actually pull off finally!


And a super duper thank you for helping us hammer things out with the HUD! 


Kanzaki Yokosuka

To me, the heart of the needed things that were 'tangeable' was the stamp. Thank you, for making just what I wanted and providing me a peek at what you were doing. I appreciate that more than anything! 

Mesh Fiend

Station ALAS (ScyllaPhoenix Resident)

Thanks to Station ALAS for allowing us to host this event (When we get there) in the station! We will be all kinds of in the way and trafficky, so we hope we don't get in the way!


Club ALAS Tumblr:

Club ALAS Facebook:



Station ALAS was the growth of Club ALAS. Having wanted to add a mall so friends could sell their wares, and provide a little income to help cover tier, the Stellarium Mall was born.. but the mish mash of build only fueled our dreams of creating a station that "would serve as a hold over for long distance space travel, provide fun, and rest, and things to do and a place to be and exist with others peacefully".  That dream is now realized, and we hope you all enjoy your brief visit, but encourage you to explore the station, and the club. We welcome everyone to hang around longer than the Stamp Rally's event time and if your looking for club jobs, we are hiring for DJs, Hosts, Dancers, and perhaps in time, other types of entertainment, such as Comedy Performances, or other creative ideas you may have, and would like to suggest.


We hope to see you around!



Station Owner


I wanted something I could get up fast, cheap(FREE), and look nice and still maintain a lot of control over the content, content layout and display.


I am not charging a high registration fee - because I'm not paying for this site for now. In future, that may change but I wanted this event to be accessible by those not earning gobs of monies by the fistfuls, but who provide good quality content.


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